香港報業公會主席 甘煥騰先生獻辭 香港報業公會舉辦的「香港最佳新聞獎」為業界一年一度的盛事,亦是香港最嚴謹和具代表性的新聞評選活動,對推動新聞傳媒發展起了積極作用。今屆新聞獎評委是由50多位權威專業人士組成,分別為資深新聞工作者、新聞教育工作者、大學校長、商會領袖等。今年參賽的報社踴躍,共收到參賽作品六百多份,是歷年之冠。 過去一年,本港發生了許多大事,香港特首選舉、立法會換屆、保衛釣魚島主權、南丫島撞船意外,涉及民生社會的議題有市民住屋、環境保育、活化古蹟,及至年底中共十八大的召開等均成為新聞參賽作品的題材,呈現多角度及多樣化。今屆新聞獎新增設「最佳文化藝術新聞報道」獎,以集結傳媒的力量,推動本港文化藝術事業的發展。本會會繼續本著開放、精益求精,與時並進的精神,使「香港最佳新聞獎」更臻完善。 謹此向「2012年香港最佳新聞獎」得獎人士致以衷心的祝賀,同時感謝新聞獎評審委員會全體成員的辛勤工作。以及業界及社會人士一直以來熱心支持和參與。祝香港傳媒業日益進步,再創佳績。 Keith Kam
As the most authoritative award for achievements in newspaper journalism, the Hong Kong News Awards organised by The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong is a great annual event for the industry and plays a significant role in fostering the development of the news media. This year, the panel of judges comprises more than 50 professionals, including veteran journalists, journalism educators, university presidents and business leaders. The number of participating media has increased and the number of entries has reached a record high of more than 600. Over the past year, topical issues that captured public attention included the Chief Executive election, Legislative Council election, campaign to safeguard sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands and collision of two ferries off Lamma Island. Livelihood issues such as housing, environment and revitalizing heritage properties were also uppermost in the minds of the public, as was the 18th congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Reports on these issues from multiple and diverse perspectives constituted the contents of the entries. This year, a new Arts and Culture Reporting Award aimed at promoting the coverage of Hong Kong’s cultural scene has been launched. The Society will continue to organize the Hong Kong News Awards with a view to promoting excellence and best practice in the industry. I would like to congratulate the winners for their achievements and thank the judges for their hard work in assessing the entries. To fellow members of the newspaper industry and community leaders who have rendered their support in making the competition a success, I offer my sincere gratitude. My best wishes to the Hong Kong media industry, which never fails to strive for the best.