香港報業公會主席 甘煥騰先生獻辭 回顧過去一年,本港發生了許多新聞大事:花園街攤檔三級大火、內地”雙非”孕婦來港產子引發社會上的各種爭議、影響民生猛於虎的通貨膨脹加劇等等,事事與市民衣、食、住、行息息相關,成為了新聞傳媒報道的豐富題材。在每日推陳出新的新聞資訊背後,是一群不怕艱辛、盡忠職守的新聞從業員,他們深入採訪報道,充份體現傳媒的專業精神和工作使命。香港報業公會每年舉辦「香港最佳新聞獎」,激勵和嘉許新聞從業員繼續傳承業界的專業精神和工作態度,為市民大眾提供準確、詳盡的新聞內容,服務社會。 近年,報業面對不少的競爭和挑戰,去年有新的免費報紙加入市場,每天在市面流通的報紙大幅增加,成為香港報業的一個新亮點。為此,我們堅信本地報章的主流傳媒地位不變,在未來仍然受到讀者的歡迎,香港報業仍然充滿朝氣,為資訊流通擔當重要角色。今年的參賽作品比去年多,水平亦高於往年。我期待今後將有更多優質的新聞作品出現。 在此,我謹代表報業公會祝賀今年得獎的人士。 感謝為「香港最佳新聞獎」評選付出辛勞的評審委員。 Keith Kam
Over the past year, controversies have erupted in Hong Kong over a number of issues, including the big fire that burned down numerous hawker stalls at Fa Yuen Street, rising numbers of pregnant mainland women coming to Hong Kong to give birth and worsening inflation. All these issues had a great impact on the livelihood of ordinary people and were extensively covered by the news media. Behind the reports on these controversial issues were journalists who tirelessly discharged their responsibilities as news professionals with vigour and dedication. A primary objective of The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong in organising the Hong Kong News Awards every year is to recognise the professionalism of members of the press who serve the community through their accurate, in-depth and comprehensive reports. In recent years, the newspaper industry has had to face many challenges and keen competition. The highlight of the past year was the launch of several free dailies, which boosted the total circulation of newspapers in Hong Kong to a new high. In the wake of this development, we firmly believe that local newspapers’ mainstream status in the media industry has remained unchanged and that they will maintain their appeal to readers. For a long time to come, our vibrant newspaper industry will carry on playing an important role in the dissemination of information. This year, the news awards have seen a rise in both the number and quality of entries. I look forward to seeing many more outstanding works of journalism in the years to come. On behalf of The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, I would like to congratulate every award recipient. My heart felt appreciation goes to members of the panel of judges for spending time and energy to grade the entries and to our sponsors for funding the project. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to fellow members of the industry for their support and participation.