新聞業界不乏富有朝氣、滿懷理想的從業人士。他們傳遞最新資訊,報道各類事件。面對現今的複雜社會,新聞人員必須秉持最高專業操守,以敏銳觸覺和廣闊視野,勉力報實求真。 香港報業公會每年頒發最佳新聞獎,旨在表揚傑出新聞從業員,為他們出類拔萃的新聞作品鼓掌喝采,以鼓勵業界不斷進步,精益求精。 Donald Tsang Talented and aspiring members of the news industry make their mark by bringing us the latest information and interesting reports. They are often required to demonstrate good judgement and vision, and must uphold the highest ethical standards in the search for truth in today's complex society. |