「香港最佳新聞獎」是香港新聞界一年一度的盛事。它透過不同組別獎項,表揚傳媒工作者過去一年的傑出表現,激勵業界人士精益求精,不斷尋求突破。 傳媒行業就如其他行業一般,隨著近年科技的高速發展而越趨多元化,以適應各方人士的愛好和需求。面對挑戰,香港報章憑著全面、準確的出色報道,維持著龐大的讀者群,在新聞媒體中繼續佔有重要地位。本年度得獎作品,就是傑出報道的典範。 Rafael S.Y. Hui The annual Hong Kong News Awards is a major event in the media industry where outstanding journalists receive recognition for their excellent work in the past year. The Awards also motivate journalists to excel and strive for the best. The winners of the News Awards are worthy of our congratulations. They are the outstanding representatives of a profession dedicated to the free flow of information and freedom of expression. We should also commend other contestants who submitted entries. It is only with their hard work and enthusiasm that we can be ensured of growth and improvement in the industry. |