Panel of Judges
「2024年香港最佳新聞獎」評審委員會由五十八人組成。每組評審委員專業及非專業的比例為 3 : 2,成員包括資深新聞工作者、大學校長、傳媒專業人士及香港各大商會主席等。
The judging panel of Hong Kong News Awards 2024 has 58 people. They comprise "professionals" who are veteran journalists, senior news executives of the electronic media and journalism educators, and "non-professionals" who are university presidents and heads of chambers of commerce. The entries of each award category are assessed by a group of five judges, three of whom are "professionals" and two "non-professionals".
評分標準 Marking Criteria
最佳獨家新聞 Best Scoop
‧ 率先披露。[40%]
First in breaking the news. [40%]
‧ 報道內容全面,影響深遠。[40%]
The report(s) is comprehensive and has long-lasting implications. [40%]
‧ 採訪難度高。[20%]
The reporting involves complex investigations. [20%]
最佳新聞報道 Best News Reporting、最佳經濟新聞報道 Best Business News Reporting、最佳科學新聞報道 Best Science News Reporting、最佳文化藝術新聞報道Best Arts and Culture News Reporting及最佳新人獎 Best Young Reporter
‧ 組織結構 Organisation [10%]:
Well-organised with clear presentation.
‧ 文字技巧 Writing Skills [15%]:
Clarity of writing with right choice of words.
‧ 報道全面 Comprehensiveness [30%]:
In depth reporting that demonstrates an ability to present conflicting viewpoints in a balanced manner, analyses the issues comprehensively and introduces new ideas.
‧ 專業水準 Professional Standards [45%]:
The news is significant in terms of social importance, impact and timeliness, is a scoop based on credible sources and demonstrates originality in the research and selection of contents.
最佳短視頻新聞 Best Short News Video ‧ 訊息傳遞 Communication [25%]:
Key message clear and concise with clear structure and plot.
‧ 技術質量 Technical Quality [25%]:
Video is well planned with smooth transitions and edits. All sound and visual elements coincide with the video’s message.
‧ 專業水準 Professional Standards [50%]:
The news is significant in terms of social importance, impact and timeliness.
最佳新聞寫作(中文組) Best News Writing(Chinese)、 最佳經濟新聞寫作(中文組) Best Business News Writing (Chinese) 、最佳新聞寫作(英文組) Best News Writing(English)、 最佳經濟新聞寫作(英文組) Best Business News Writing (English)
‧ 組織結構 Organisation [20%]:
Well-organised with clear presentation.
‧ 文字技巧 Writing Skills [40%]:
Clarity of writing with right choice of words and avoidance of unnecessary use of slang.
‧ 報道全面 Comprehensiveness [20%]:
In depth reporting that demonstrates an ability to present conflicting viewpoints in a balanced manner, analyses the issues comprehensively and introduces new ideas.
‧ 專業水準 Professional Standards [20%]:
The news is significant in terms of social importance, impact and timeliness, is a scoop based on credible sources and demonstrates originality in the research and selection of contents.
最佳標題 (中文組) Best Headline (Chinese)、最佳標題 (英文組) Best Headline (English)
‧ 表彰以簡練的文字立題,能突出新聞事件的要點,起畫龍點晴的作用。
Honouring the headline that highlights lucidly the theme of an article and brings it to life.
最佳圖片 (新聞組) Best Photograph (News)
‧ 表彰以新聞事件或人物為主題的優秀照片。
Honouring the outstanding photograph of a news event or people playing a part in the news.
最佳圖片 (特寫組) Best Photograph (Features)
‧ 表彰體現眾生相的優秀照片。
Honouring the outstanding photograph of human interest.
最佳圖片 (體育組) Best Photograph (Sports)
‧ 表彰以體育活動為主題的優秀照片。
Honouring the outstanding photograph of a sports event.
最佳新聞版面設計 (單版組) Best News Page Design (Single Page)、最佳新聞版面設計 (系列組) Best News Page Design (Series)
‧ 新聞性 Journalism [40%]
‧ 設計技巧 Design [60%]