香港報業公會主席 李祖澤獻辭 香港回歸祖國後,我們既享有高度的新聞自由,同時社會責任感亦相應增強。隨著社會進步,資訊科技飛躍發展,業者通過媒介向讀者傳達各類新聞和資訊,不僅務必及時﹑客觀和準確,還要力求好上加好,精益求精,這不僅是社會各階層人士對傳媒工作日愈提高的要求,亦是具有高度新聞操守的新聞從業員孜孜不倦追求以達之境界。報業工作從來就與廣大市民息息相關,休戚與共,從本屆得獎作品中,我們又一次看到香港報業從業員如何在艱難環境中努力工作,與時並進,為社會迭作貢獻。 謹此恭賀同業喜人成就,並以之共勉,來年再創佳績,更臻卓越。 Lee Cho Jat After the handover of sovereignty in 1997, we have been enjoying freedom of the press despite some skepticism; but we also need to strengthen our consciousness of social responsibility in exercising such freedom as we move onto a new era of information technology. Working in a very competitive environment, our journalists must strive to keep pace with the rapid strides in information technology to serve readers with all kinds of news and analysis. But on top of timely, balanced and accurate news and information, the community also has very high expectation that our journalist are vigilant of their professional ethics in their pursuit for quality news. Our newspaper industry can never be divorced form the public. In reality, we are part of people's daily life. This can be reflected from this year's news and photographs awards which again demonstrate the professionalism of our journalists though they have to work in a very demanding environment. Finally, congratulations to all winners of this year's news awards and we are all proud of their achievements. I believe the news awards will serve to give them the much-needed incentive and momentum to strive for better results in the years ahead.