



  在數碼時代,資訊的傳播無遠弗屆。只要一機在手,便可以即時獲取最新、最快、最多的資訊。同時, 公眾對準確、有深度、具公信力的新聞的需求更形殷切。




Matthew Cheung Kin-chung
Chief Secretary for Administration
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


  Freedom of the press is an important indicator of a world-class city. As Asia's world city, Hong Kong owes its success to freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which take our society forward.

  The Government attaches great importance and has always been committed to protecting the freedom of the press and of speech in Hong Kong so that the media can cover news in a liberal and open environment, truthfully reflect the present state of society and monitor government policies.

  In the digital era, information reaches far and wide. The latest, fastest and largest amount of information is instantly available simply through a mobile phone. At the same time, the public have a keen demand for accurate, in-depth and credible news. Through their outstanding work, the awardees of the Hong Kong News Awards 2016 show that Hong Kong’s print media have abided by professionalism throughout the years, providing objective, fair and balanced news coverage as well as incisive, brilliant and original analyses, constantly enhancing the quality of their journalism.

  On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, I offer my sincere
congratulations to all the winners. My warm thanks go to the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong for organising the Hong Kong News Awards every year. The event seeks to recognise the distinguished performance of journalists, promote professionalism in the industry, encourage Hong Kong’s media to stay steadfast in their role and remain earnest in aiming high as they strive for the vibrant and diversified development of Hong Kong's journalism.