



・ 最佳独家新闻
・ 最佳新闻报道
・ 最佳经济新闻报道
・ 最佳科学新闻报道
・ 最佳新人

・ 最佳新闻写作 (中文组)
・ 最佳新闻写作 (英文组)
・ 最佳经济新闻写作 (中文组)
・ 最佳经济新闻写作 (英文组)
・ 最佳标题 (中文组)
・ 最佳标题 (英文组)

图片组 / 设计组

・ 最佳图片 (新闻组)
・ 最佳图片 (特写组)
・ 最佳图片 (体育组)
・ 最佳新闻版面设计

Hong Kong News Awards

  The annual Hong Kong News Awards is a major activity organised by The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong.With only 2 Sections "The Best Writing" and "The Best Photographs" at the beginning stage, the New Awards have increased to 4 Sections of a total of 65 awards now. The competition is aimed at recognising the outstanding achievements of journalists and raising professional standards. The awards are widely recognised as the most authoritative in Hong Kong.

The following awards are given:

Reporting Section
* Best Scoop
* Best News Reporting
* Best Business News Reporting
* Best Science Reporting
* Best Young Reporter

Writing Section
* Best News Writing (Chinese)
* Best News Writing (English)
* Best Business News Writing (Chinese)
* Best Business News Writing (English)
* Best Headline (Chinese)
* Best headline (English)

Photographic / Design Section
* Best Photograph (News)
* Best Photograph (Features)
* Best Photograph (Sports)
* Best News Page Design

  To ensure its professional standing, the awards' adjudicators comprise veteran news professionals with no direct links with the newspaper industry, including chiefs of electronic news media, veteran journalists who have retired or left the industry, and journalism professors. As newspapers exist to serve the public, university presidents and leaders of chambers of commerce are also invited to take part in the adjudication to reflect the views of the community.