香港报业公会主席 李祖泽献辞 随著社会资讯科技发达,传媒的影响力日益深远。作为新闻工作者,我们尤其关注新闻报道所承担的社会责任,力求报道翔实而客观。香港报业公会每年举办「香港最佳新闻奖」,表彰卓越的新闻同业,藉此鼓励大家努力提升专业水平,为香港的报业发展、为香港社会的繁荣进步作出贡献。 谨此祝贺各得奖同业,望大家精益求益,再创佳绩。 Lee Cho Jat
The power of the media has grown ever farther and wider with the development of information technology. As journalists, we care deeply about our social responsibility and try to be comprehensive and objective in reporting the news. Every year, the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong organises the Hong Kong News Awards to recognise outstanding journalists with a view to raising professional standards and contributing to the growth of the industry. We believe a vibrant media is critical to the prosperity of Hong Kong. I congratulate the winners for their outstanding performance and hope that their exemplary works will set the stage for even higher standards.