



  政府一向致力鼓励资讯和意念自由流通,以维持新闻自由。这是香港以至全球各大城市的重要标记。 谨此祝贺所有得奖者,并祝香港报业公会续创佳绩。

Donald Tsang
Chief Executive
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

      I am delighted to congratulate The Newspaper Society on this year's Awards ceremony. In recognising the highest standards of excellence in journalism, the Society is helping to raise the quality of newspaper reporting still further.

      As an international city, Hong Kong relies on fast and accurate news gathering to stay informed of the latest developments both locally and around the world. As new technology continues to transform the newspaper industry, the reliability of information will become increasingly important.

      The government is committed to encouraging a free flow of information and ideas and maintaining a free and unfettered media. This is a hallmark of leading cities around the globe, including Hong Kong.

      I congratulate all the award winners and I wish The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong continued success.