政务司司长 曾荫权献辞 一直以来,香港作为全球资讯集散地,除了有赖健全的法治制度和优良的自由资讯系统外,拼搏、优秀的新闻从业员亦是不可或缺的一环。香港报业公会每年举办「香港最佳新闻奖」评选,并广邀学界、商界及传媒专业代表组成评审委员会,使新闻从业员的专业水平在同业互相切磋下不断提高。今年,大会在语文教育及研究常务委员会的支持及语文基金的赞助下,特设多个写作组的奖项,以唤起新闻工作者对写作水平的重视,足见业界对全面发展新闻专业的决心。 我衷心感谢香港报业公会对促进香港传播及文化事业所作的努力和贡献,并祝贺今年各个最佳新闻奖项得主的新闻界朋友。我期望新闻界同业在来年再接再厉,使香港继续成为国际资讯的重要枢纽。 Donald Tsang Hong Kong has always been renowned for being an international hub of news and information exchange. This is made possible by our well-established legal framework, out blockage-free information infrastructure and most importantly our industrious journalists. In particular, the Hong Kong News Awards held annually by the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong has become and event not only for people in the industry, but also for those from other sectors of society, including the academics and private sectors. Their participation in the adjudicating panel helps raise the professionalism of the industry. This year, with the support of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research and sponsorship from the Language Fund, a new Writing Section is introduced. It emphasizes the importance of proficient writing of news articles and demonstrates the industry's determination in developing an all-rounded profession. I would like to express my wholehearted appreciation to the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong for their contribution in the promotion of the media and cultural industry in Hong Kong. I would also like to extend my congratulations to all winners of the awards on their remarkable achievement. I am sure that the industry would continue their good work in the coming year to upkeep Hong Kong's role as a global information center.